Energy Efficiency of Buildings Assessment / Registration of Qualified Experts

Last Update on 08/12/2020

Assessing the Energy Performance of Buildings

General Information

In order to assess the energy performance of buildings and issue Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) for buildings in the Republic of Cyprus, one needs to register as a Qualified Expert for energy performance certification of buildings at the Energy Service of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry.

The term “building” refers to any roofed construction having walls, for which energy is used to condition the indoor climate.

The Cyprus Energy Agency, which is the assessment body approved by the Energy Service, organizes at least two exams every year. Success in the residential buildings exam is a prerequisite for participation in the non-residential buildings exam. The examination fee is €68+VAT for both types of buildings.

The eligibility criteria to be a Qualified Expert for energy performance certification for the category of residential buildings, apply only to physical persons who:

  • have at least one year of proven experience in the area of buildings or energy or building’s technical systems;
  • are registered members at the Cyprus Scientific & Technical Chamber in the field of Architecture or Mechanical Engineering or Civil Engineering or Electrical Engineering or Chemical Engineering or Environmental Engineering;
  • hold a certificate of success in written examinations for residential buildings organised by an approved assessment body.

The eligibility criteria to be a Qualified Expert for energy performance certification for the category of non-residential buildings, apply only to natural persons who:

  • have at least three years of proven experience in the area of buildings or energy or building’s technical systems or have issued at least ninety Energy Performance Certificates for residential buildings;
  • are registered members at the Cyprus Scientific & Technical Chamber in the field of Architecture or Mechanical Engineering or Civil Engineering or Electrical Engineering;
  • hold a certificate of success in written examinations for residential buildings organised by an approved assessment body;
  • hold a certificate of success in written examinations for non-residential buildings, organised by an approved assessment body.

The application for registration as a Qualified Expert can be submitted through the Buildings’ Energy Certification on-line platform.

In order to be gain access to the electronic services of the platform:

  • Firstly, submit the registration application here (available in Greek, for English please use Google Chrome’s (internet browser) “Translate” option or similar) and
  • Secondly, create a CY Login profile (a profile with “GOV CY” if you haven’t created one already) which has to be, in turn, confirmed and approved through your personal e-banking (for Cyprus banks, clear instructions through the CY Login registration process).

In case a person is already registered in the Registry of Experts in one category of buildings and wishes his/her registration to apply to another category of buildings he/she must submit electronically the relevant registration application together with the necessary documents in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Regulation Of Buildings (Amendment of Annex 1 to the Buildings Energy Certification Regulations – Request to Register as a Qualified Expert) Decree 2019, CP 357/2019, without paying any other fees.
Contact Details of the Competent Authority:

Energy Service
Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry
Andrea Araouzou 13-15, 1421 Nicosia
Tel: +357 22 409439, +357 22 409396
Fax: +357 22304759

  1. Each application for registration of a Qualified Expert must be accompanied by the following documents:

    • copy of the civil identity card (ID) in the case of a citizen of the Republic of Cyprus or a copy of the Registration Certificate for Member State citizens or Alien Registration Certificate (A.R.C.) in the case of a citizen of another state/third country. These certificates are issued by the Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of the Interior;
    • Certified copy of ID card or passport or driver’s license;
    • For a citizen of the Republic of Cyprus or a citizen of another Member State of the EU who permanently lives in Cyprus, a copy of the member registration certificate in the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber or a copy of current professional license – For a citizen of other Member State or citizen of the Republic of Cyprus which permanently lives in another Member State a copy of registration certificate in the registry of “Engineering Services Providers”, in accordance with the provisions of the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber Law;
    • copy of the Certificate (s) of success in the exams organized by the evaluation body;
    • Documents demonstrating the experience required under Regulation 10 of the Energy Efficiency of Buildings (Energy Certification of Buildings) Regulations 2009 and 2014 and their respective amendments (please read below).

    Specifically, the experience required under Regulation 10 of the Energy Efficiency of Buildings (Energy Certification of Buildings) Regulations 2009 and 2014 is substantiated by attaching the following documents as appropriate:

    (a) Self-employed

    1. An indicative list of projects and / or studies that she/he has undertaken or participated in during her/his career. This list should contain at least the following information:

    • The title of the project / study;
    • The name of the customer;
    • A brief description of the project / study;
    • The size of the project / study (capacity / value);
    • The period of preparation / supervision / implementation of the project / study;
    • The degree of involvement of the qualified expert candidate concerned in the specific project / study (duties / responsibilities of the employer).

    2. Certificate from Social Security, stating the period of contribution to the Social Security Fund (LFS).

    (b) Employee

    1. Where a Qualified Expert candidate has experience gained during the period of his employment by a third natural / legal person, a relevant statement from his employer should be attached;

    2. Certificate from Social Security stating the employer and his period of employment.

    • copy of registration certificate in the Architecture or Civil Engineering or Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering or Chemical Engineering or Environmental Engineering of the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber;
    • proof of payment of the registration fee of € 200 + VAT;
    • a copy of the certificate of success in the relevant written examinations conducted by the assessment body;
    • Documentation of the experience required. The prospective Qualified Expert should submit an indicative list of projects and / or studies that he has developed or participated in during his career. If he has experience gained during the period of employment by a third person or legal entity, this information should be certified by his employer.

The registration fee is € 200.00+VAT.

In case a person is already registered in the Registry of Experts in one category of buildings and wishes his/her registration to apply to another category of buildings he/she must submit electronically the relevant registration application together with the necessary documents in accordance with the Law Regulating the Energy Efficiency Of Buildings (Amendment of Annex 1 to the Buildings Energy Certification Regulations – Request to Register as a Qualified Expert) Decree 2019, CP 357/2019, without paying any other fees.

The evaluation procedure for the application of registration is carried out within approximately 10 days from the date that the application form and supporting documents were duly submitted. The Energy Service issues an electronic certificate of registration to all qualified experts.

The registration is valid for 1 year and the annual renewal fee is €100+VAT.

Administrative Action Against a Competent Authority’s Decision

Any person may file an Administrative Action at the Administrative court against a decision, act or omission of any competent authority or body.

Pursuant to Article 146 of the Constitution, an Administrative Action may be lodged within 75 days from the date of the decision or act or omission or from the day when such decision or act or omission was notified to the applicant.

The Administrative Court acts as a cassation Court and not as a substantive Court. In other words, the Administrative Court may:
I. Dismiss the Administrative Action
II. Annul wholly or partially the contested decision or act
III. Compel the relevant authority or body to take a certain action

After a decision is annulled, the authority and/or public body must reverse things back to the state prior to when the concerned decision and/or act was executed and reexamine.

Appeal Information

An Appeal may be filed against the Administrative Court’s first-instance decision within a period of 42 days from the date such a decision was given.

At the Supreme Court (Court of Appeal Section) hearing, the contested issue of the appeal remains the legality of the decision or act already adjudicated. However, such a revision of the legality of the decision or act is solely examined on the matters and the extent that the two parties have limited the reasons in the relevant notice of appeal.

The decision adopted by the Supreme Court is considered final in relation to the matter that has been judged.

The Qualified Expert is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Law Regulating the Energy Performance of Buildings, and relevant regulations, as periodically amended, and specifically, among others, to keep a record with all data and documentation in connection with carrying out the issuance of any energy performance certificate. The competent authority has the power to demand any records and documents which the qualified expert keeps.

The competent authority may suspend or terminate the registration of a qualified expert if he/she contravenes or fails to comply with the provisions of the legislation relevant to his/her functions.

In case of a suspension or termination of the registration of a qualified expert, the competent authority notifies the person concerned in writing, states the reasons for the suspension or termination of his registration and informs the person on the procedure of making a hierarchical recourse to the Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry against his/her suspension or termination.

The Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry appoints, by Ministerial Order, officers of the Energy Service as authorized officers for the purpose of enforcing the Law.

Application for registration as a qualified expert